navigations are the fours lines of phrases.
they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top).
Friday, January 22, 2010, 1/22/2010 11:36:00 PM
Tadi petang sempat aku jumpe Fazli. Rilek2 chill2 berasap skejap. Kecewe sey aku dpt tau dyr ari ni keje. HAIZ. pe nk uat.
Skrg ni sungguh penat baru balek training dikir ngn budak2. Mendak pulak aku sorang2 kat mrt tadi. Ntah lah agaknye aku dah kebiasaan ngn fazli slalu disisiku. Maklomlah slalunye mane2 aku gi dyr ade ngn aku mane2 dyr gi aku ade ngn dyr. Hehe brother blood ma. Ari ni Fazli tk dpt trn trg pasal keje. Aiyoo merane jap aku tadi. Lagi tadi aku passby woodlands nmpk block lama aku. Rindu seyy aku kat uma tu. Dah 12 tahun tinggal sane. Wateve, hidop mesti diteruskan. Tadi training ramai senior tk trn, cume aku ngn Man Pendek je. Gerek 1st time jaga budak2 baru. Instruct drg n membetulkan yg salah. So far kumpulan aku improving. Maseng2 ada keyakinan. Semangat pon ada. Suatu tanda yg bagos. Insyallah, A. S akan bawak balek sukses yg memuaskan. Tk dpt top 3 pon tkp. Dpt kumpulan potensi dah cukop bagos. Sampai disini sajalah.
One and only.
MamatSakaii. 16 on 29Jan. MayflowerSec. RaveDancer. Dikir Baratis(SAS). And a Club-goer. For those critics out there, why're u're hiding? come out from ur mother's pubic hair and play. If u got the guts. Anywaes, im a forgiving person. I let off all the critics that u nice pple has given me. And finally to those wannabe judges, why judge people when u can't even judge urself. This is an open blog with an open-minded blogger. So talk crap all you want. I don't give a shit.